The closer I get to the house, more and more screws simply won't come out. At first, I was just prying the boards off with a crowbar, but the crowbar kept getting stuck, and then I'd have pull out the other crowbar to unstick the first one, and then I couldn't get the second one out, and so on. Each board, instead of taking a minute or two to remove, was taking ten.
This, obviously, was an untenable state of affairs. So I figured out a slightly different method of getting the boards off - I went underneath and started cutting the screws off with the sawzall. It's still slower than being able to unscrew the screws, but I have a system now that allows me to remove them reasonably fast. I smack the prybar between the screws that hold the decking to the joist, which gives me enough room to slide the sawzall blade in there, and then I just cut the screws. Once I have all the decking separated from the joist, I can then remove the joist.
This, obviously, leads to a somewhat precarious bit of footing. Both Steph and I nearly walked off the supported section about four times. Pretty soon we're not going to be able to go out my "door"!
Another plug for a sawzall - if you own a home and you ever do any work on it, you need one of these.
And, if you get yourself a juego de demolicion it'll cut through screws, nails, wood, pretty much anything you care to throw at it. I couldn't do this job without it.